What is GPL Licence?
GPL License otherwise called the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is broadly utilized for the free programming permit, which ensures end clients the total opportunity to run, study, openly share and adjust the product.
Onum SEO & Marketing Elementor WordPress Theme:- Theme Forest
Onum is a WordPress theme tailored for SEO and Digital Marketing firms, as well as those providing SEO services. It includes a user-friendly drag-and-drop page builder (Elementor) to empower you in crafting your website according to your preferences.
Onum is constructed using cutting-edge web technologies like the Bootstrap framework, Sass, and icon fonts, with a strong emphasis on coding quality. This ensures that the theme functions seamlessly across all web browsers and devices.
- https://workupload.com/file/XG5JQ6G7NDU
- https://www.upload.ee/files/17810711/onum-121612.rar.html
- https://qiwi.gg/file/6nM37605-onum-121612
- https://www.mirrored.to/files/0MKIJ6AD/onum-121612.rar_links
- https://krakenfiles.com/view/u4Gm0VFLRb/file.html
- https://ddownload.com/rcvaomrihw5y