Home Fitness Adhi-Yoga WordPress

Adhi-Yoga WordPress

We need to improve our site’s exhibition and ease of use with the goal that you could truly get an extraordinary profit from our site. Simply more one thing is that We distribute all substances just for testing purposes, not for business use, so assuming you have cash, we unequivocally prescribe you to purchase the required module/subject, and so forth from the first designer’s site. Utilize any subject OR module at your own danger! We just offer documents under the terms of GPL License (GNU General Public License) that give proficient topics, premium modules, and other PHP contents for testing purposes as it were.

What is GPL Licence?

GPL License otherwise called the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is broadly utilized for the free programming permit, which ensures end clients the total opportunity to run, study, openly share and adjust the product.

Gym Edge – Fitness WordPress Theme

Adhi-Yoga WordPress:- Theme Forest

Adhi Yog is a Yoga and Meditation, Spiritual Wellness WordPress theme. Create Responsive yoga websites for Yoga schools, Meditation centers, Yoga Asana Instructor, Yoga Studio, Yoga Classes, Yoga Bookings for Courses and Training Online, Yoga Trainer Websites, Fitness Centers, Fitness Classes, Fitness Trainer Websites, Modern Gyms, Sports Centers, Healthy living, Corona Cure, Yoga Beauty Care, Yoga and Health Coach, Life Style Coaching, Yoga and Fitness Club, Yoga Gyms and Pilates, Physical & Mental wellness center, Weight loss centers, Yoga Fitness centers, Indian culture & Heritage development centers. Also Manage Yoga Woocommerce Yoga Club, Yoga Events and Calendar, Yoga Pose Listings, Yoga Music, Yoga eCommerce Websites, Yoga instructors, Yoga Massage, Yoga Products Marketing, Promote Yoga photos and Videos, Yoga Retreat and research centers.
Prowess Fitness and Gym Theme
This Yoga WordPress theme has modules for Yoga Poses, Yoga Trainer details, Mantras, Yoga courses, Workshops, yoga studio website. The best yoga theme can be used for a contemporary yoga studio, spiritual chakras, channeling, deity worship, dharma, enlightenment.

Promote Yoga classes, Meditation, Pilates, Zumba Dance, Recreational Activities, Rehabilitation center, Astrology & Astronomy, Tantric Tantras, Hinduism, Buddhism, Karma, and Ayurveda.

A simple WordPress Plugin designed to implement core features of Designthemes. Version 1.0 of this Plugin is integrated into the themes by Designthemes. This Plugin is a repertoire of all the shortcodes and custom post types by Designthemes. It is compatible with Elementor and other third-party APIs. Therefore, designing the layout and pages become a lot simpler with this Plugin.



Download Links

  • https://www25.zippyshare.com/v/SMia2hVL/file.html
  • https://www.mirrored.to/files/0GFDW8RA/adhiyog_18.rar_links

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